If you have lived life long enough, you have probably experienced deep sadness. I know I have.
A diagnosis, a betrayal… whatever the cause, you are left engulfed and overwhelmed with sorrow…so much so, you can hardly move.
You are not alone.
Theologians believe Psalm 3 & 4 were written during one of the darkest seasons of King David’s life.
It was a time when his son, Absalom, attempted to steal the kingdom from his hands. Once David was informed of his son’s plot, David gathered his men and fled. 2 Samuel 15:30 tells us, “But David continued up the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went.”
Imagine David weeping with each step. He didn’t really know where he was going or how things would turn out once he got there. Thoughts of betrayal flooded his mind. He must have wondered how things got this bad this fast.
But then God does something miraculous. He doesn’t change David’s immediate circumstance, He changes David’s heart. God replaces David’s sadness with joy. And not just joy, greater joy.
During this trial, David writes, “You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.” (Psalm 4:7)
Another translation states, “You have put gladness in my heart.”
I love the visual this translation brings. In the middle of extreme sorrow, the Almighty God reaches down from heaven and carefully places joy into David’s grief stricken, delicate and fragile heart.
He can do the same for you.
Wherever you find yourself today, whatever your circumstance…No sadness is too deep, no anxiety is too great. When life doesn’t make sense and circumstances tell you that it’s over…it’s NOT over. Lift your eyes to our Heavenly Father and ask Him to fill your heart with joy….Greater Joy.