It was my first (and only) half-marathon. I had ran other races, but nothing like this. I trained for months; hours and hours of running, then more running.
When the day finally came, I was nervous + excited (aka nervcited). I knew I was ready, but unsure what the course would be like.
Once the race started, I put my headphones in and let the music blare in my ears. There were mile-markers and signs telling us which way to go. Just in case, they had first-aid stations and porta potties (eww, no thanks) at various points along the way. Strangers lined the side of the road with posters in their hands, encouraging the runners. I was taking it all in.
Until mile 12.
All of the energy & enthusiasm was starting to fade. My pace slowed down and I kept looking ahead, wondering how much longer to the finish line. To my surprise, I saw my husband.
He had been tracking my progress, so he was waiting for me. He was beaming with pride. I took out my headphones just long enough to hear him cheer me on and say “I love you.” It gave me just the boost I needed. I kept running and made it to the finish line.
It’s good to know someone is on your side.
How’s your race going? Even if you’ve never put on a pair of tennis shoes, we’re all in a race. Maybe you’re experiencing a runner’s high right now … or maybe you are at the 12-mile mark … unsure how you are going to keep going.
I get it. In more ways than one.
You’ve probably heard the song, “The Blessing”. There’s a lot to love about it but my favorite part is when Kari Jobe sings one particular phrase over and over again – “He is for you!” Ironically, that song was released just as we were entering the pandemic.
OR because God is God, He knew that’s when we’d need to hear it the most.
No matter what it may SEEM like, it doesn’t change the FACT: He is for you.
He is for you. He is for you. He is for you.
Our Heavenly Father is for us, cheering us on. Every step of the way.
“This I know: God is for me.” Psalm 56:9
~ Anu