In reading the book of Revelation recently, I was struck by a verse I have read so many times before. But this time it hit differently.
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Revelation 3:20 NIV)
To give a little context here, Jesus is talking to the 7 churches in the book of Revelation. He didn’t mince words when he spoke to each church specifically – pointing out the good and also where they needed correction.
And after all the charges were given to the churches, many of them harsh, Jesus said “I stand at the door and knock”.
What is happening here? We can’t miss that Jesus is speaking to the Church. His very own. Those who have professed to know Him and follow Him. But when you read the list of sins and grievances, you wouldn’t think these are believers at all. He addresses sexual immorality, compromise, and apathy just to name a few. And yet, after all the disobedience and sin He calls them out for, He still graciously extends an invitation to come back into fellowship with Him.
What a gracious and merciful God we have!
Even though we have done things we thought we would never do and feel are unforgivable, He is ready to be a part of our lives again.
But He does not force his way in. He KNOCKS. And it is up to us to open the door and invite him in. The ball is in our court.
Friend, do you feel like you have gone so far into sin and disobedience that you think there is no way back for you? I want you to know that is one of the biggest lies of the enemy. Jesus himself says I stand at your door and knock. I am willing to come in, but you must open the door and let me in.
He gave you free will to choose for yourself. But when you do choose Him, He will not hesitate to come in. He is willing to come in and fellowship with you again.
You need to know that where there is light, the darkness cannot stay. When the light of Jesus comes into your life and your world again, the sin, the secrets, and the darkness that comes with that will go. When His light shines in the dark places of your life, freedom, victory, and peace can come forth.
Will you open the door and let him back in today? He is knocking and patiently waiting to be invited in.