Covid19 was insane & uncharted territory for all of us, but at least I understood my role in slowing the spread of the virus.
Wash my hands. Wear a mask. Social Distance.
Plus, as an “essential worker” (I’m in healthcare and I work at a grocery store), I felt like I was doing my part to help my community.
But since last Monday, it felt like another virus erupted…and this time, I was given no guidelines to follow and I have been at a TOTAL LOSS for words or action. The death of George Floyd is horrific and the aftermath has left me asking myself (and God)…
What can I do to slow the spread of all of this anger and hatred? How can I be essential in eradicating THIS virus? What is my role?
Unless you’ve been living in a cave or on a deserted island, you know that racism and hatred are nothing new…and these evil forces have a sneaky way of slipping into the hearts of even the best of people. People you would never expect.
In the Old Testament, Miriam & Aaron had proven themselves to be all star siblings.
Miriam was willing to do anything to save her baby brother’s life and Aaron agreed to be Moses right hand man and spokesperson. But in Numbers chapter 12, jealousy and RACISM SLIP IN. Miriam and Aaron began to question their brother’s role as a leader…and voice their dislike for the woman he married.
“While they were at Hazeroth, Miriam and Aaron criticized Moses because he had married a CUSHITE (Ethiopian) woman.” (vs. 1)
What did God think of Miriam & Aaron’s RACIAL PREFERENCE? Umm…He wasn’t too pleased.
“Then the Lord descended in the pillar of cloud and stood at the entrance of the Tabernacle. ‘Aaron and Miriam!’ he called, and they stepped forward… THE LORD WAS VERY ANGRY WITH THEM, and he departed. As the cloud moved from above the Tabernacle, there stood Miriam, HER SKIN AS WHITE AS SNOW FROM LEPROSY.” (vs 5, 9, 10)
It’s like God was saying- “Oh, you like light skin? I’ll show you light skin.”
Aaron pleads for his sister’s healing and Moses responds with LOVE. Moses prays for her and she is HEALED.
It got ugly before it got better…but it did get better. Healing came out of hatred.
Friends, this past week has been ugly. But just as we read in Numbers 12, I believe healing will arise. And perhaps my role in slowing the spread of THIS virus isn’t so different than my role with Covid19.
Wash my hands– Ask God to CLEANSE ME. To point out anything in me that offends Him…anything that might have slipped in over the years (Psalm 139:24)
Wear a mask– Be slow to speak but quick to listen (and to love). It’s time to understand others instead of striving to be understood. (James 1:19)
Social distance– Standing with others is important but I must also go into my closet, shut the door behind me and cry out to God in prayer for our nation. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
WE ARE ALL ESSENTIAL WORKERS in the fight against this virus.