Help Wanted. I saw one of those signs a few days ago. In fact, during the summer months, they are everywhere.
Stores are packed to the brim with tourists and young children, and managers need a few extra hands to help make the sales happen.
College students, looking for a way to make extra money for their courses or to pay rent, quickly take up the offer.
“Need help?” It was the question posed on a flier at a local sandwich shop, offering help to people who were feeling depressed or anxious. A phone number at the bottom provided their lifeline.
“Help me, Lord…” These are the words I say almost every morning before I get out of bed. Whether it’s regarding my work, marriage, or children, I know I’ll need it that day.
Help implies someone is in need of assistance or aid. It means he or she can’t do it on their own.
Sometimes, the hardest part is acknowledging we need help.
This past week, I had the rare opportunity to be surrounded by majestic mountains. The views were breathtaking and difficult to put into words.
God’s creation is indescribable. Photos, no matter what camera you use, don’t do it justice.
As we were driving through canyons and lifting our heads to take in the beautiful views, I was reminded of these words,
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1
Many scholars believe that David wrote this song. Here, we see him acknowledging where his help comes from. And we know from his story, there were many times, God was his only hope.
Notice he wasn’t seeking help from the hills or mountains, themselves. Instead, he looked up to God, the creator.
It’s easy to get caught up in the grandeur of God’s creation and believe in the “universe”. Instead, we need to be careful to honor the Creator rather than the creation. God created the universe. The universe can’t do a thing for you.
When Jesus left this Earth after his earthly ministry, He knew the disciples would need a Helper, and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help them. And to help us.
We just can’t do this thing on our own. We’re helpless on our own. Utterly and completely.
Acknowledge your need for the Holy Spirit. Your Helper is right there to get you through your need today. Whether it’s a relationship, work, or financial issue, God knows.
Lift up your eyes and talk to Him.
Help is on the way.