When my youngest son was in elementary school, every August (like clockwork), my little guy would add an extra request to his nightly prayer.
He would pray for the rapture to take place…soon!
His six year old brain didn’t know much about theology. He couldn’t tell you if he was a pre, post or mid tribulation guy…he just knew, summer was fun and school was hard.
And you know what? I’m not an escapist, but I think my son was onto something. As Christians, WE HAVE HOPE beyond what this world can ever offer us.
In John 16:33, Jesus tells his disciples, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Jesus usually spoke in parables, but not this time. Back up a few verses and the disciples even comment as to how plainly Jesus is speaking.
“Then Jesus’ disciples said, ‘Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech.'” (vs 29)
Perhaps Jesus spoke so CLEARLY because He wanted his disciples to understand, THIS LIFE IS NOT EASY (even if you are a Christ follower)…but don’t give up…HE HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD.
I’ve heard it said, ”For the unbeliever, this world is as good as it gets, but for the believer, this world is as hard as it gets.”
Whatever your sadness, whatever your trial, whatever you are dreading today …school, work or even what awaits you at home…be encouraged, things will get better!
As believers and followers of Jesus Christ, WE HAVE HOPE beyond what this world can ever offer us.
Take heart my friend, we’re almost home.