Last Sunday morning, in the rush of getting ready for church, I made 2 pieces of toast and left them on the counter.  After I had spread the requested pumpkin spice cream cheese on them, I left them sitting side by side, a few inches apart on the kitchen counter.  I ran off to help my daughter with her hair, and when I came back, my dog was sitting a few feet away from the counter, just staring at these two pieces of bread that I had left unattended.  I stopped and watched him as he was silently stalking my breakfast.  He was sitting very still on my kitchen mat, focused on the food in front of him- like a hunter before his prey, planning his attack.  When I started to scold him, my daughter told me that he was protecting our food, not preying on it.

Hunter or protector?  In this case, it was all about perspective. Walking into this illustration as it played out before me reminded me that I needed to shift my perspective.  While I am grateful for many things, it’s also very honest for me to say that 2020 has felt like a battle. I know that I am not alone in feeling this way.

Battle is rough. There are scars and casualties, but there is also a strength that comes from fighting.  No other form of exercise can replicate this- not even sparring.  The force with which you punch, kick and even absorb blows builds lasting strength and endurance.  It forces you to develop muscles that you didn’t even know you had.  You get through the battle and see traits that you never knew were in you.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 says “But the Lord is faithful; He will make you strong and guard you from the evil one”.  Verse 5 goes on to say this “May the Lord bring you into an ever deeper understanding of the love of God and the endurance that comes from Christ.”

We know that endurance only comes from pushing yourself beyond what you thought you could do. It doesn’t come from sitting on the couch.  It comes from running harder, faster, and pushing yourself a little farther each time.

The battle may not be one that you have chosen.  You may feel like you are not equipped to fight it, but remember that we fight from a place of victory.  Our Father has already won.

(For the record, I can say with 100% certainty that my dog would have devoured those pieces of toast if I had taken any longer!)




by bena
