I didn’t understand.
I didn’t get it.

For eight years, I had worked with people that became family.
We were a team. I can’t even explain the chemistry.
They threw me baby showers.
They wrote sweet cards for my birthday.
We laughed together, we were there for each other.

Then, one day, they announced that our company was being sold.
We were shocked.
It was quiet, and we didn’t know where to go.

I came home, sat at the counter, and cried.
I was supposed to give 20 years to that place. At least.
But they took it away.
They tore us apart.

I didn’t understand.
I didn’t get it.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

The only thing I knew to do was pray.
And surrender.
And let God take control.

And know it wouldn’t be the end of me or my career.

It’s hard to let go of control.
It’s hard to not understand!
Our human minds are so limited.
We feel lost and helpless.
We can’t see what God has planned.

Wait, but there are other people like me
Who didn’t understand.
Or get it.

Mary didn’t understand.
But she surrendered.

Ruth didn’t understand.
But she surrendered.

Esther. Hannah.
But they surrendered.

And the end was more beautiful than the beginning.
A baby, a job in a PALACE, a job in a field AND a husband, a Savior.

All because they surrendered to God’s way…even when they didn’t understand.

My story is still being written, but I sure would have missed a lot of opportunities had I stayed at that job for 20 years. Though I couldn’t see my future through my tears that day, God did.

What’s your story? If it doesn’t make sense, put your situation in the hands of a God who can make something beautiful out of it.

“Lord, I don’t get it. I can’t wrap my mind around what is happening. Help me to trust that you are working RIGHT NOW in my situation. Right now, something is happening. Right now. Father, give me faith to believe. I submit this to you. To you be all the glory for the beauty that will come out of this. I ask all this in the powerful name of Jesus.”

“I surrender to your hands
Fill this heart again
I don’t have to understand
To give you all I am

I surrender to your way
Father give me faith
I don’t have to see the end
To give you all I am”

Lyrics from Power Made Perfect by Covenant Worship


by betsy
