I was preparing for a formal function and finally decided on a hairstyle that I wanted to try out for the event. The picture of the up-do was carefully selected on my phone so that I could easily show the stylist at the salon. The celebrity looked gorgeous with each strand of hair beautifully pinned in place. I was excited and couldn’t wait to see how it would turn out.
An hour later, the stylist spinned me around on the swivel chair and lo and behold, I took the first look at myself.
I looked nothing like the celebrity. Yes, I had curls and yes, my hair was pinned up, but it wasn’t swept up like the picture showed, and the top seemed a little flat…but I couldn’t complain. I was still excited to get my hair all done up.
Isn’t it interesting how we sometimes want to look like or sound like someone else, when God has given us our own unique look and sound…and all for a special purpose?
My hairstyle didn’t match the celebrity’s that evening, but we also didn’t share the same kind of eyes, nose, or other facial features, so I couldn’t expect to look like her, and it’s okay. That particular style fit her well, and the stylist did her best to imitate it.
Paul reminded the Corinthians, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18) Whether we realize it or not, we are being changed to be more Christ-like….through our experiences, through our workplaces, through our families.
Have you ever wondered why you were born into your particular family or why God brought you to this city or this career? He has a purpose for you that only you can accomplish. You are unique, and you are called to touch the people around you. You are purposed for such a time as this (Esther 4:14).
I heard this morning about a pastor who was involved in a project that allowed him to live as a homeless man for a short period of time. One thing he learned from this experience was realizing how little homeless people were acknowledged. Most people avoid looking at homeless people in the eye or care to listen to their story. But they have a story, too. And they were created in the image of God, too. And they have a purpose, too.
When the Bible speaks of us being transformed into the image of Christ, it is referring less to the outer appearance of a person and more to the heart of a person. God is molding us into His image day by day, in little and in big ways.
What has he taught you today? What will he teach you tomorrow? When you wake up tomorrow, ask him to bring you thoughts and people that will allow your heart to be made more like His. Be prepared because you are about to make a big difference somehow.