I plugged in my straight iron and sat down on the little stool in my bathroom.
The week had been a long one.
What started out as a fever and a cough quickly escalated. Within a week span, my husband went from a no big deal urgent care visit to three appointments with three different specialists.
Nothing was making sense.
But as I was getting ready for his next appointment, I couldn’t deny God’s presence, in my bathroom (of all places), in the middle of crazy uncertainty.
In Genesis 15, God gave Abraham many promises. Children, land, more children, more land. All good stuff.
Abraham believed these promises “and it was credited to him as righteousness.” (Vs 6)
Six verses later, as God begins to make a covenant with Abraham (sealing the deal on all those promises), things begin to escalate. Abraham is surrounded by ”a thick and terrifying darkness.”
But what begins with darkness ends with God showing up in a big way. A smoking fire-pot, blazing torches, God’s covenant with Abraham was now complete…and His presence was undeniable!
My husband’s appointment with the hematologist went well. We left with hope and good news..proceeded by more hope and more good news in the days following. Thank you Jesus!
But I am not naive nor do I wish to be insensitive…. Valleys aren’t always that short lived. Some last months, years or even decades.
In the heart of the valley, as we lay in our beds or get ready for our next appointment that we can’t believe is even happening, I pray we take comfort in knowing, Abraham’s covenant making God is with us today. We may not see smoking fire-pots or blazing torches, but in the midst of terrifying darkness, God is there.
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b