I was surprised when I looked at my calendar this particular day…not because of my nephew’s game…the other thing.
“Text mom/dad you’re proud of them!”
Huh?? Of course, I am proud of my parents but I didn’t have any particular plans that day to text them that. Then, I quickly realized, it was my husband who added the event to our calendar.
The reason for the text? My in-laws were leaving that day to do medical missions work in the Philippines. The reason for adding it to our calendar?
He was being intentional.
The word “intentional” has gotten a lot of buzz over the past few years. The definition simply says, “done on PURPOSE, deliberate”.
My husband, Lance, knew that as the day progressed with work, calls, meetings and obviously our nephew’s basketball game, he would likely forget to text them. He knew this was something he wanted to do so he did something about it.
Even for me, when I’ve seen his personal calendar, he has a weekly reminder that says “Read Anu’s blog post” because he knows that I write on a particular day.
I can hear it already…some people may say, “Well, he should just remember that on his own!” and that’s one way of looking at it. But I know that with all Lance & I have going on sometimes, we both struggle with remembering things. So the fact that he would go out of his way to remind himself to read my posts actually meant a lot to me.
There are plenty of things we know we should do and things we just want to do, like texting our parents or reading a post…but if we aren’t intentional about doing them, they may not happen.
Maybe for you it’s something like exercise and eating right. Or volunteering in your community or at church. Or maybe it’s your time with God.
Good things are more likely to happen when we are intentional about good things.
Numbers 7:89 And when Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with the Lord, he heard the voice speaking to him…
Did you catch that? When Moses WENT TO SPEAK, Moses heard the voice SPEAKING TO HIM. When you put yourself in a position to have a conversation with God – when you are intentional about your time with Him, God will speak.
Determine what those things are that you keep saying “I need to do that…” or “I really should…”.
Then, set yourself up to win by doing what you can to make it happen….get an accountability partner, write yourself a note or maybe add it to your calendar. I’ve heard that works pretty well.