I’ve been known to pray unusual (and even comical) prayers.
Like the time when our dryer stopped working. My husband and I were just a few years into marriage and we were on a budget…So I did the only sensible thing I knew to do. I placed my hands on the dryer and prayed. (It never hurts to ask, right?)
Now God hasn’t healed every major appliance I’ve ever prayed for, but he healed this one…actually, He gave my husband the wisdom to fix it. Whatever the case, we didn’t have to buy a new one! Woo-hoo! Praise God!
James chapter 4 tells us, “You have not because you ask not.”
If anyone understood this, it was the Old Testament prophet, Elisha.
For years Elisha followed his mentor, Elijah around. He watched God perform miracles and speak to the nation of Israel through Elijah. But in 2 Kings 2:9, it’s time for Elijah to pass down his mantle to Elisha. “When they had crossed (the Jordan River) Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU before I am taken from you?”
Elisha could’ve humbly replied, “Oh Elijah, being mentored by you was more than enough. I don’t need any special favors.” Or perhaps he could have still kept things low key and said, “Oh Elijah, if I could just be half the prophet you are…” (I can see myself saying that)
But Elisha was BOLD in his request..He asked for a DOUBLE PORTION of Elijah’s anointing.
And God honored Elisha’s request.
Scholars say Elisha performed TWICE as many miracles as Elijah. Elijah performed 8 miracles throughout his ministry while Elisha performed 16 miracles. God even threw in ONE MORE miracle AFTER Elisha’s death. Elisha’s dead bones healed a man. (See 2 Kings 13:21)
What if Elisha had only asked for HALF the anointing…would he have only performed HALF the miracles? The widow of Zarephath, the Shunammite woman, the Shunammite’s son, the commander Naaman- ALL benefited because Elisha wasn’t afraid to ask.
You know, I might hesitate to ask a busy waiter for an extra side of ranch, but when it comes to God, the sky’s the limit!!
He WANTS us to ask. In fact, He TELLS us to ASK and come BOLDLY to Him with our requests.
So whatever your request…especially if it involves being a blessing to others, don’t be shy- ASK!
What have we got to lose? (If it doesn’t happen, it won’t be because I didn’t ask)
Pray for things you might have given up on, pray for things you’ve only dreamed about. Nothing is too big, too small or too unusual for our God.