He initiated the conversation, and he was beyond transparent. Without my husband or I even asking, our friend told us everything…and it wasn’t pretty. My stomach was in knots.
As he went through the details, all I could think of is, how does someone get themselves into this kind of situation?
2 Samuel 11:1 came to my mind.
“In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to fight the Ammonites…However, David stayed behind in Jerusalem.”
In case you’re unfamiliar with the story, let me warn you…it wasn’t pretty.
King David, who should have been at war, decided to take it easy in his palace. He ends up on his rooftop. From there, he spots a beautiful woman bathing. David can’t keep his eyes off of her. Long story, short- Sin got a hold of David, one thing led to another, and now King David is in the biggest mess of his life.
Why wasn’t David at war with his soldiers? He was a king, and according to 2 Samuel 11:1, kings go to war.
Did David forget who he was?
The more I study this chapter, it becomes clear, 2 Samuel 11 isn’t simply a lesson about moral failure, it’s a lesson about daily failure (and success) as well.
What if David had started off his day asking the Lord one simple question: “Lord, as your appointed king, what should I be doing today?”
I am certain that an afternoon stroll on the rooftop, staring at a naked woman, would NOT have been on God’s to do list for David that day…but joining his troops in battle might have been.
The truth is, David isn’t the first king to have forgotten his God appointed assignment…nor is he the last.
According to 1 Peter 2:9, if we have accepted Christ into our hearts, we are “a chosen people, a ROYAL priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession…”
Did you catch that? You and I are royalty!
The choices we make and what we do throughout our day matter to God just as much as King David’s choices mattered to God.
So what if we started our day off asking God that same question. “Lord, what should I be doing today?” Then as things come to mind, jot them down.
It might be something as simple as calling or texting someone whom God wants me to connect with. Or like King David, maybe it’s time go to war- crying out to God in prayer for the future of my children, my family or for my own God given purpose.
As the conversation with my young friend came to a close, I was inspired- not by his mistakes, but by his quick confession and humility.
The Holy Spirit was clearly at work in my friend’s life. His willingness to repent, receive advice, correction, and rebuke assured me that despite his slip up, he was going to be okay. God’s plans for him still included a ‘great hope and a victorious future.’
Friends, it’s springtime. Do we know what we are supposed to be doing? Why not take a few minutes each morning and ask God. Then take a few more minutes to give Him time to answer.
‘In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war- David should have gone too.’
~ binu