There are times when there are no words. The situation is so heartbreaking that you feel it deep down in your soul.
Yesterday was one of those days. And the feeling lingers today. It was a day when I knew all of the Christian things to say but it was still hard to even wrap my mind around the incredible loss.
This particular tragedy happened to not just good people … but godly people.
As followers of Christ, we know we have hope. We know that God uses all things for our good and His glory. We know He is sovereign.
But we still grieve. That isn’t a lack of faith or trust. It is the response of the human heart to a fallen world.
There are so many facets to the story of Lazarus. Jesus knew him. This wasn’t just someone who pursued Him in a crowd or heard of His miracles. This was a guy that Jesus actually hung out with. We know Jesus loved everybody but the Bible makes it a point to say, “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.” (John 11:5 ESV)
Jesus had dinner with Lazarus. He was caught in the middle of sister drama with Martha and Mary. He knew this family and they knew Him. Personally.
That was one of the many reasons why the death of Lazarus was such a shock. It was hard to understand why.
We all know how the story ends. Lazarus didn’t stay dead long. Jesus displayed what He proclaimed: He is the resurrection and the life.
But in the middle …. between death and life … something else happened.
“Jesus wept”. (John 11:35 ESV)
But again, it begs the question … why? Jesus knew Lazarus would die but He also knew Lazarus would live again. Why weep? He could have started with “Lazarus come forth” but He chose to shed tears publicly instead.
Scholars and theologians have theories on this. Jesus doesn’t ever say why so we really don’t know. But I do know this…
I’m glad He did. It reminds me that some moments don’t need words. They don’t even need explanations or proclamations. It is simply a time to grieve.
The best advice I received from a friend when I was going through a very dark time in my life was merely to “feel” whatever I was feeling. The healing would come later.
To everything there is a season, including grief. As we walk through that, know that we have a Savior who is our sympathetic and understanding High Priest. A Savior who gives us hope and life eternal.
A Savior who wept.