Throughout the years, I admired both my mom and my husband’s mom as I watched them do it all. From cooking fresh meals daily (yes, you read correctly!) and raising a family to working as a full-time nurse, they both fit the description of SuperMom. But of all those things, what has left the deepest impression on me are the life lessons they have taught.
For a long time, I never quite understood the jokes or negative stories people said about in-laws. All I had ever experienced was how my mom treated my dad’s parents as if they were her own parents. She loved them and honored them so selflessly, I was often in awe of their relationship. I remember conversing with my mom about this observation I had made. She told me that didn’t distinguish parents as his and hers, but rather viewed them all as their parents and therefore, had a loving relationship with each of them. Honestly, my mind was blown. My mom went on to share that the love of God motivated her to think and act in such a manner and she advised me to do the same when I became married. That lesson remained with me since I was a teenager and I am so grateful.
Likewise, generosity and hospitality have always been shown in such a magnanimous way by my husband’s mother that I believed it to be the standard for such qualities. Her home has literally always been open to all, so much so that I was curious enough to talk to her about it. My mother-in-love’s response was that they will never lose anything for extending a helping hand to someone in need. In fact, she went on to share that she trusts God knows all and would bless her children and children’s children as a result. My mouth literally dropped to the ground. That lesson has motivated me as an adult and I am so thankful.
I’m reminded of Hannah in 1st Samuel who is known as the woman who personifies ideal motherhood. She was surrounded by difficult circumstances of being barren and being teased as a result. However, she remained devoted to God, trusted Him, and was patient as she cried out to Him, promising she would give her son to God if He would just give her one. Can you imagine how happy she must have been when she was finally pregnant and then, gave birth to her son Samuel? Her prayers were answered! But the lesson Hannah imparted to her son was to keep your word, which she did when she took him to live in the temple “to abide forever” and visited him just once a year. As a result, we read how Samuel grew up reflecting such godliness as he became one of the greatest prophets of Israel.
With Mother’s Day around the corner, my heart is filled with gratitude for the love of godly mothers, but also for what their graciousness has taught me. Maybe you had the blessing of such lessons being imparted to you. If so, may your heart overflow with thanksgiving to God. And if you didn’t, you now have the opportunity to share what you’ve learned with your own children or those in your circle of influence. Titus 2:3-5 encourages older women to “teach what is good” to the younger women.
President Abraham Lincoln said that “No man is poor who has a godly mother”. Well then, I guess that makes me the richest girl in the world!