Can you imagine venturing out alone to a country where you don’t know anyone or even the language?
That’s what each of our parents did over 50 years ago when they immigrated from India to the United States.
They arrived with a few dollars and a God-inspired dream to make life better for their parents and siblings.
Each of our dads came to pursue higher education. During the holidays and breaks, their peers went home and the cafeteria was closed. They were alone and went without meals, but they kept their eyes on the Lord.
Each of our moms came to work as a nurse. As young ladies, they navigated the subways of NYC in the 70s and handled patients twice their size. They were intimidated and scared, but they kept their eyes on the Lord.
In God’s infinite mercy, He allowed paths to cross so my father in love met my mother in love and my dad met my mom. With only a handful of new friends in the United States in attendance, each couple married and began a family. In fact, they didn’t even meet their spouse’s parents or siblings until a few years later. But they kept their eyes on the Lord.
As singles and then, couples, our parents saved their hard-earned wages. Not only did they financially support themselves but they also helped their parents and siblings all obtain better lives. They simultaneously raised us- their children and provided us with opportunities that they never had.
Many sacrifices.
Numerous tear-filled prayers.
Countless blessings.
That’s our legacy and I am grateful beyond words.
In Genesis chapter 12:1, God told Abraham: “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” Abraham didn’t have all the details of his trip, but he obeyed. He had faith that God would guide his steps and provide for him and his family. When Abraham came across difficult situations, he operated with courage as he relied on God. That legacy of faith and courage was perpetuated through Issac, Jacob, and the following generations.
In this reflection of the goodness of God, it’s clear that there will be seasons when we have to step out into the unknown. We will have to navigate through challenges and unexpected twists and turns along the way. But I’m thankful that our parents modeled Biblical principles which we now empower our children with: have faith and be courageous. When God leads you to something, He will lead you through it. Rather than focusing on your circumstances, keep your eyes on Him.
“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation.” (Isaiah 12:2)