On a scale of 1 to 10, my athletic ability is probably a negative 5. (Yeah, I’m that bad)
Needless to say, any childhood dream of becoming a cheerleader, gymnast or ice skater came to an end before it even began.
BUT for the past 12 years, I have lived the life of an athlete… VICARIOUSLY- through my kids.
From the no score keeping kindergarten b-ball league to the every point counts high school varsity basketball team…the emotionally thrilling highs and the sad, silent lows…I have experienced it all. And before a big game, I even get that feeling of butterflies swarming around in my stomach.
Last Saturday those butterflies were intense! My boys’ high school basketball team made it to the state championship…and both of them were a part of the starting line up. I’m telling you, I deserve an ‘honorary athlete‘ award if there is such a thing.
The morning of the game, we slept in, ate a high carb breakfast (that’s what us athletes do, right?), then my boys decided to watch ‘game film.’ Game film of their opponents! (apparently, that’s ALSO what athletes do).
Talk about intimidating! The team they were about to face were skilled, TALL and seemed to effortlessly make all their shots.
“Shouldn’t we be watching something a little bit more encouraging before the big game? Like one of OUR winning games?”
My husband, who was also glued to the TV, reassured me…THIS is what teams do.
Dr. Tony Evans sided with my husband. In his message, ‘The Strategy of Satan,’ Dr. Evans talks about what happens during football season…
“Every single team has been watching game film all week. They’ve been watching game film of the enemy. They want to learn their tendencies, their movements…They want to be completely acquainted with the group they want to destroy.”
Dr. Evans goes on to say….“SATAN HAS GAME FILM ON YOU. He knows your orientation, your sensitivities, your inclinations.”
So…if our opponent has been studying our game film…shouldn’t we be studying his too?
Not obsessing over him…but learning to “recognize his stench.” (Lucado)
1 Peter 5:8 warns us. “Be controlled and alert. Your enemy, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
And as God told Cain, “Sin is crouching at your door.” (Genesis 4:7)
So, what is the answer? I believe it’s having a strong offense & a strong defense.
-A high carb diet in God’s Word ( the bread of life) is essential.
-Don’t wait for Sunday morning to blast the worship music. Anytime is a good time for a Praise Break.
-Pray, Pray, Pray. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Anytime is also a good time for a Prayer Break.
-Be alert. Be self controlled. KNOW YOURSELF. KNOW YOUR ENEMY.
When are you most susceptible to the enemy’s attack?
Is it when you are alone? Or is there a certain group of friends who don’t exactly bring out the best in you?
Know when to walk away…or run away. Know when to close your browser.
They say, ‘The best defense is a good offense’...they also say ‘Offense wins games, Defense wins championships.’
Whichever school of thought you go with, keep in mind…the enemy’s got game film on you & I.
Maybe it’s time, we understand his strategy too.