“I’m sorry y’all got stuck sitting next to me.”
I apologized in advance to my friends seated to my right and left.
I’m a horrible travel companion! Since I was young, plane rides and I just haven’t gotten along. I get nauseous and my ears feel like they are about to explode.
So as the plane began to ascend, my body language must have said it all. My friends stopped the conversation they were having with one another, and I could hear them praying for me under their breath.
Thankfully, once we were at cruising altitude, my motion sickness medication kicked in and my ears felt relief. Thank you Jesus! And by the time the beverage cart came around, I was like a different person- enjoying great conversation, biscoff cookies and ginger ale with my sweet friends.
Life is a lot like that plane ride.
We all have our moments. Intense moments that make us sick to our stomach. Pressure filled moments where we feel like our head is about to explode. Moments when we are so down and out, we feel sorry for ourselves and for those forced to be around us. That’s when Satan tries to convince us we are better off on our own and others are better off without us too.
What a lie straight from the enemy!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, people need people. God made us to have fellowship with one another!
Don’t believe me?
What would Moses have done if Aaron & Hur weren’t around to lift his arms during the battle with the Amelekites?
And what about David? Would he have even lived long enough to become King David if his best friend, Jonathan hadn’t warned him about Saul’s plot to kill him?
Let’s not forget Paul. His friends were his lifeline in ministry! Read through his letters and you’ll see what I’m talking about!
Even Jesus, the perfect Savior of the world, chose to surround Himself with twelve imperfect men. Jesus loved them, poured into them and hung out with them. (Have you seen The Chosen?)
If you happen to be walking through a tough season, I want to encourage you to NOT walk through it alone. Call an old friend. Call a new friend. Call someone who can and will pray for you. Your trials may not disappear, but I believe your journey will be easier.
Me and planes still don’t get along…but I’m grateful for biscoff cookies, ginger ale and praying friends. All three make life a little sweeter.
Ecclesiastes 4: 9,10 “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”
If you have a prayer request, and you need someone to stand with you in prayer, please private message us through our Whispers and Fringes Facebook page. We would be happy to pray for your need!