While attending my nephews’ basketball games over the past 10 years, I’ve noticed an interesting predicament that happens.
There are a lot of voices to listen to. The cheerleaders, the parents, fellow teammates and of course, the coach. One dad is yelling “Go to the basket” while a teammate is saying, “Pass me the ball!”. The whole time, the coach is wondering why no one is following his play call.
And the kid? He’s just confused. Who should he listen to?
In the game of life, who are we listening to?
Abram listened to a frustrated Sarai and a child, not of the promise, was born. Aaron listened to the people and an idol was created. Rehoboam listened to his peers instead of the elders, and God’s chosen nation was divided.
“But Amnon had a friend, whose name was Jonadab, the son of Shimeah, David’s brother. And Jonadab was a very crafty man.” 2 Samuel 13:3 ESV
(I seem to recall another time the description of “crafty” was used. In the beginning, back in the Garden of Eden…about a serpent. So, this is already not looking too good.)
Jonadab apparently had quite the reputation but he still manages to be Amnon’s choice as a friend and confidant. As a result of following Jonadab’s advice, Amnon commits a horrible sin against his sister which tears his family apart.
Jonadab spoke. Amnon listened.
If Amnon had chosen some non-crafty people to surround himself with, maybe this story would have ended completely different.
When David inquired about Bathsheba, it seems that David’s servant knew what David was thinking and tried to steer him away. Unfortunately, David didn’t listen.
Thankfully, David eventually did listen to the prophet, Nathan. He repented but was still punished for his sin.
Do you have people in your life that will help keep you in check like that? More importantly, do you choose to heed their words as well?
“Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” Proverbs 13:20 NLT
Choose wisely the voices you listen to. ~Anu
Photo Credit: Jasmine Mathew