What is love?
It’s so easy to get caught up in what the world advertises, and we allow those ideas to define what love is.
Is it getting a bouquet of roses or a box of chocolates?
Is it going out on a date?
Is it diamonds? Earrings? Gift cards?
Those are all nice…really. I don’t mind getting any of those gifts, but they don’t define love to me.
Love is…
giving me a cup of water when my mouth is parched, and I’m sick in bed,
taking out the trash,
filling up my gas tank when I’m running out,
encouraging me when I’m down on myself,
picking me up when I’m about to fall and saying, “You can do it!”
That’s love.
Who can you love on today? There are people all around us feeling lonely, discouraged, depressed. When we encounter them with love, it can be transforming.
We’ve all been there.
We were all falling until Jesus came and picked us up and said, “I’ll pay the price.”
He picked us up and rescued us.
Jesus defines love.
“Love came down and rescued me
Love came down and set me free
I am yours
Lord I’m forever yours”
Lyrics from Love Came Down by Kari Job
*photo credit: pixabay.com