The book of Ruth is one of the shortest and sweetest books in the Bible. It primarily focuses on a woman named Ruth (thank you Captain Obvious) but today, my heart was drawn to Orpah.
(Not OPRah as in Winfrey. ORPah as in who??)
Orpah was Ruth’s sister-in-law who like Ruth, also had a choice to make: move to Bethlehem with their “former” mother-in-law, Naomi, or stay in Moab. At a very literal crossroads, Orpah decides to remain right where she is.
No one can blame Orpah for that decision. After all, it was her home, her people and they all worshipped her god. She technically wasn’t related to Naomi or Ruth anymore so really, it just made more sense to stay. One commentator said that Orpah “walked off the pages of scripture, never to be heard from again.”
Ruth’s choice led her to a new home, a new people and a new God. As a result, she ends up in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
Some decisions impact a moment. Others will define our lives.
Years ago, I encountered my own crossroads when it came to marriage. One road would be easier without any delays. The other would be Lance (spoiler:the guy in the pic).
At that point, I was confused and desperately seeking God’s will. One pastor wisely counseled me and said “You need to trust more in God’s ability to lead you, than your ability to follow.”
After much prayer, fasting and some other divine circumstances, I knew that Lance was the one. 20 years later, I still know I made the right choice.
Easier choices can be nice for the moment. But if the harder choice is God’s choice for you, do it. You don’t walk the journey alone. ~Anu