At times, life can seem sour like a lemon. Am I right?
Maybe you are in college, like my daughter, and thanks to the pandemic, most classes are meeting online and there is diminished face to face interactions. It’s depressing.
Perhaps you’re planning your wedding day and you realize you can’t invite the number of guests you had expected due to present restrictions. It’s disappointing.
It’s possible you are facing a health struggle and instead of good news, you’re told there’s more to be dealt with. It’s discouraging.
Yet, what inspires me time and again is the person who takes those “lemons” and “makes lemonade”, as the popular saying goes.
Even with the college experience being different than imagined, I love seeing how my daughter has made connections with the local church and become involved in their small group and Bible study. It has been the lifeline to navigating through freshman year and living away from home.
In spite of the limitations in place, I love seeing how brides and grooms celebrate their special day with beauty and joy.
Amidst the ongoing challenges with one’s health, I love seeing these heroes of mine press through every day with strength and faith in God.
It’s not easy to take those lemons and make lemonade. In fact, it’s a challenging process, one which involves tears and frustration.
But I am grateful that we don’t have to do it alone. God provides help when we feel helpless.
There are countless examples of such in the Bible. We read about Moses’ mother Jochebed in Exodus 1 and 2. While pregnant with Moses, Pharaoh had ordered that all Hebrew babies be killed. How devastating! But we can observe how the Lord helped Jochebed. She made a basket for baby Moses, positioned Miriam to watch over the floating basket in the water and to offer services as a nurse for him once he was found by Pharaoh’s daughter. Jochebed made the best of this difficult situation and ultimately, preserved her son’s life.
Dear Friend, if you are feeling depressed, disappointed, or discouraged today by your circumstances, hold onto this promise of the Lord found in Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV):
“Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
May the Lord help you make the best of this situation. Not only will it uplift your heart, but it will encourage those around you.