In our home, I am a microwave thinker and my husband is a crock pot thinker.  So, when decisions need to be made or action needs to be taken, I tend to move faster than he does.  He likes the analyze the issue, thinking about it from different perspectives.  I like to go with my first response, my gut reaction.  I think that different issues call for different responses.  Sometimes, you need to think and react fast; other times, it’s better to weigh your options thoroughly.

I ran across this clip of Michael Jr last week and it resonated with me.  In his special, “The Right Response”, he talks about how, as Christians, we often respond quickly to a need, when we should probably seek God before we snap to react.  It’s funny and moving. He gives a powerful illustration from his own life; he felt the nudge to help a family, but instead of answering the call himself, he gave an entire community the chance to respond.  It’s a great message- have it playing in the background as your doing some chores.  Hope you enjoy it! ~Shiney


by bena
