When my parents moved to Dallas, my mom got a job as a nurse at Baylor Hospital. She worked there for 39 years until she retired. My dad has been at his company for 41 years. Their daughters (aka me and my sister) are on the same trajectory: I’ve been at my job for 19 years and Binu has been with her employer since the store opened, for the past 10 years.
So, the fact that I am a creature of habit runs deep in my DNA. We like for things to stay the same.
Unfortunately, life doesn’t always work that way. In fact, sometimes the decision to change is made for us.
Joshua 1:1-2 (NLT) After the death of Moses the Lord’s servant, the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ assistant. He said, 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them.
Moses had been with the Israelites from the beginning. They had seen God use him powerfully from the plagues to parting the Red Sea. Joshua had big shoes to fill plus he must have been grieving the loss of Moses. They were supposed to enter the Promised Land together.
Don’t you love how straightforward God is with Joshua? There were no questions here. Moses was gone. The people of Israel needed a leader. Plus, the audible voice of God telling Joshua what to do helped seal the deal (must be nice).
At least Joshua knew for sure he was making the right move by stepping into his new role. What about us? How are we supposed to know that God is transitioning us when the situation isn’t so black and white? When it would be just as easy for us to stay right where we are? Or maybe we don’t want to move at all?
For me, the situations didn’t necessarily change but God began changing me. What used to bring me joy started feeling like a burden. What I once looked forward to had become an obligation. An obvious shift had happened. I didn’t hear an audible voice but He still spoke to me through the encouraging (and challenging) words of the people around me.
Even once you’ve figured it out, it still won’t be easy. You may feel like a quitter. It may seem like a part of your identity is gone.
I’ve been there too. My husband and I had been involved in music since we were kids, from singing in our school choirs to being on the praise and worship team at our churches. Eventually, that season ended and I felt completely lost. It was something I had always done. Now what?
Six months later, I started a Bible study in my home, which would eventually become Whispers & Fringes.
Transitions aren’t easy but I believe God would tell us what He told Joshua: Be strong and courageous. There’s some new territory I want you to conquer. It’s time to go after what I’ve promised you.
When transition comes for you, my hope is that you’ll discover what I have along the way…change isn’t so bad after all. ~Anu