Amazing super powers. Beating the bad guy. Cool costume. These are some responses one may hear when asking a child to describe their hero.
Christopher Reeve, who is known best for his portrayal of Superman, said, “I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”
During my parents’ annual trip to India eight years ago, they were involved in a terrifying car accident just hours after landing. My father had been pinned under the car, which flipped over, and both my mom and paternal grandmother were ejected several feet away from the car.
When they were taken to the nearest hospital, my mother was unconscious and bleeding severely due to hitting her head on a rock. The injury had been carelessly stitched up without anesthesia and caused her to regain consciousness. She nearly collapsed to the ground from the unimaginable pain, but my father jumped off of his stretcher and caught her just in the nick of time.
A stranger passing by advised them to leave and go to another hospital where the medical care was drastically better. He indicated there was an ambulance waiting outside which could take them. As my father carried my mother outside, who was saturated in blood, he was told that my grandmother passed away from internal injuries. Knowing he was about to lose my mother as well, he proceeded into the ambulance, and said he would return quickly to attend to my grandmother.
My mother received improved quality of care at the second hospital and stabilized quickly by God’s grace. My father and his siblings proceeded to make funeral arrangements and buried my grandmother shortly afterwards. Then, he changed their itinerary to return home to the United States as quickly as possible. Upon their arrival, specialists saw my mom and we saw dramatic healing thanks to COUNTLESS prayers from the body of Christ.
Throughout this entire ordeal and months afterwards, I witnessed the epitome of strength and endurance. Though their lives were turned upside down and they faced death, my parents continued planning for my brother’s wedding and my mom returned to work. They shared their story with every person who visited and called, testifying of God’s amazing grace and trust in His plans.
My parents. My heroes. In the midst of tragedy and loss, they declared, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21)
Who’s your hero? Give thanks for their story and give God the glory for empowering them to persevere. Or maybe you’re someone’s hero because you endure when the going gets tough. I thank God that He is your strength and that your story points many to Him. ~Joyce