Every time I even think that I may finally understand what parenting entails, a challenge arises that leaves me unraveled.
Wise friends advised that we read “Raising Giant Killers” by Bill Johnson. I picked it up hoping to find strategies on how to deal with my children. I am three chapters deep and you know what I am finding is happening? The Holy Spirit is revealing things on how to deal with ME. I’m a bit surprised, to be frank. After all, I think I’m a pretty okay parent. Not the trophy kind, but the decent kind ;)
What stood out to me, in particular, was the reference that Johnson made about how no child wants to be preached at. They feel less inclined to approach parents with questions who get on a soapbox. Immediately, my internal response was that I don’t do such. All I do is communicate truths … which may take a long time to drive the point … and my voice may be the only one anyone hears in that lengthy period.
Uh-oh. Oh, how convicted I felt that night! I immediately fell on my knees and confessed to the Lord that I am guilty of doing such at times. I knew I had to repent and focus on having a dialogue instead of a monologue with my children.
The next morning, I found myself at the breakfast table with my children and I felt prompted to share what the Holy Spirit revealed. They each hid their smiles as I confessed that I knew I could get on a soapbox every now and then. And then, I apologized. I shared how my heart’s desire is to parent like God our Father.
Telling on myself is not easy, but I realized that I need help in this area of parenting. No one likes having their flaws pointed out. But acknowledging our mistakes and seeking the Lord for help allows us to grow as He intends that we do. So as we kick off 2019, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there’s an area of your life that could use some correction. Be willing to confess your mistakes and ask for forgiveness. And submit to the process that will lead to great growth for His glory!
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9 ESV) “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance,” (Proverbs 1:5 ESV)
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