I still remember where I was on this day 22 years ago. I had just got to work in Dallas and started working like it was just another day. My supervisor had a small TV in his office and it was tuned into the news. And as the news started to spread, we all gathered around his TV and watched the 9/11 terrorist attacks unfold before our eyes.
I remember being so anxious and afraid. It seemed surreal that this was happening on American soil. I had never seen war or tragedy on that scale in my life before, so I couldn’t fathom what was happening.
But for those of us who were around during that time, most of us can remember that America was different that day, and for many days to come. Strangers everywhere rallied to help strangers in need. First responders selflessly ran into harm’s way, not knowing if they would ever see their families again.
Even Congress rallied together on the steps of the Capitol in Washington and spontaneously started singing “God Bless America” in a show of unity that was surreal to watch. On that day there were no Republicans or Democrats. There were just Americans who sincerely wanted to help each other in a time of turmoil and uncertainty.
22 years later as we pause and reflect on this tragedy, I believe that we still have the capacity to selflessly care for each other as we did on that day.
We were made in the image of God, and so we have the capacity to love and to sacrifice as He showed us through His son Jesus Christ. My prayer is that we would allow His love to shine through us.
And may this 9/11 remind us that even in the darkest of times, His love can bring light and hope to a world that needs it so desperately.