Let’s be honest. The Bible isn’t always easy to read.
I’m not even talking about the challenging doctrinal passages. I’m referring to the verses we can understand but aren’t quite sure why they are there. Things like …
The details of the tabernacle. ALL 613 commandments in the Old Testament. And of course, the begats.
So. Many. Names.
In the book of Nehemiah, we read the story of a cup-bearer turned construction worker. At first glance, chapter 3 looks like one of those chapters with name after unpronounceable name.
But this chapter isn’t about who begat who.
These were the people who helped Nehemiah rebuild the wall.
In addition to the 40 named men, there were groups of people mentioned as well – sons, daughters, and men from certain regions. There were rulers, merchants, priests, Levites, perfumers, goldsmiths and temple servants.
Throughout the chapter, a particular phrase is repeated 19 times: “NEXT TO”
- “… People from the town of Jericho worked next to them” – vs 2
- “ Next to him Shallum the son of Hallohesh, the official of half the district of Jerusalem, made repairs, he and his daughters.” – vs 12
- “Next to him, Baruch son of Zabbai zealously repaired another section” – vs 20
People working next to people to achieve a common goal.
This past Saturday, the Whispers & Fringes team had the pleasure of partnering with International Pentecostal Assembly to host a marriage event in Oklahoma City. Over the past 10 months, there had been emails, phone calls, texts and Zoom meetings. The teaching team prepared their lessons while the host team prepared their facility. Video announcements were created, food was ordered, tables were socially distanced and decor was thoughtfully arranged. The night before, we all gathered to talk through the final plan and pray that God would bless the work of our hands.
When the day arrived, so did the team … again. They greeted, passed out food, managed the sound system and powerpoint presentations. Others taught, encouraged and prayed.
People working next to people to achieve a common goal.
There is power in “next to”.
When we walk next to someone, community happens.
When we give next to someone, needs are met.
When we work next to someone, tasks are accomplished.
When we lay bricks next to someone, a wall is built.
When we coordinate schedules, welcome people, turn on microphones, host a game, teach a lesson, and share our hearts … marriages are strengthened and families impacted for generations to come.
Jimmy and Sheena next to Pastor Mories next to the media guys (Praise, Bless, Nelson, and Boaz) working next to Allisa. Tonia and Reji at the registration table working next to Justin and Danny, the youth pastor turned panel host.
Betsy and Vijoy managed the work back home while the team made the road trip with their families. Next to them, Shiney hosted the games next to Binu who covered the merch table next to me, Lance, Shibu and Joyce on the stage.
No matter what “part of the wall” you are working on, it matters. People may not know your name but God does.
“The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God’s workers…” 1 Corinthians 3:8-9
~ Anu