This month I have been sharing with you what God revealed to me from the beautiful sights we were mesmerized by on our vacation. However, the photo in this post does not show anything majestic or breathtaking. Yet, I learned something from this scary screw.
We had just driven one and a half days to arrive at our first stop on this long awaited road trip. The only thing running through my mind was the excitement of seeing the Four Corners Monument. We all jumped out, my husband walked around to my side of the minivan, and let out a gasp. There was a screw visibly situated inside the tire. I shudder to think how differently our trip would have turned out had my husband not seen it. We could have had a flat tire in the middle of nowhere in the dark without cell phone reception. But we were able to take it to a local shop, have the screw removed, and the tire patched up allowing us to enjoy our trip as planned.
One small object with the capability of having a large impact.
Have you ever noticed what happens when a negative thought crosses your mind and you don’t take it captive immediately? You can’t help it, you tell yourself. Suddenly, a ton of unhealthy thoughts are swirling around in your mind. Then, you become so upset you blurt out words you did not think about. Suddenly, feelings are hurt and you find yourself in a hot mess.
One small thought with a large impact.
In Exodus 18, we read about how God provided the Israelites with manna and quail while they were in the wilderness. He instructed them to only take the manna they needed for the day, but some took an exorbitant amount to save for the next day. What’s the harm, right? To their surprise, they found it was full of worms and smelled bad making it inedible.
One small decision with a large impact.
2 Corinthians 10:5-6 (The Message) instructs us to “… use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity.”
Dear Friend, I pray that in our journey to becoming mature believers, we would look to God and His Word for help to prevent one small thing from spiraling into something large with an adverse impact. When we do, we can experience His joy and His peace.