If you know me, you know I love talking to people. I enjoy engaging in conversation whether it’s one person or a crowd, a stranger or a friend.
I can talk just about anything. But there’s one subject you will not hear me discussing … money.
For as long as I can remember, discussing anything related to money felt taboo. It made me feel uncomfortable and I avoided it.
That is, until a few months ago. As the Event Director for a non-profit organization, I work with a team throughout the year to plan an annual fundraiser dinner. Imagine my surprise when I suddenly felt a tug to share the appeal this year.
Naturally, my first thought was, “What??? No way!!!”
I continued to talk myself out of it by thinking, “There are way more qualified, able people for the task.” “What would I even say?” “Just don’t do it!”
Then, I was reminded of John 14:23 NLT: “Jesus replied, ‘All who love me will do what I say’”.
I certainly do love the Lord and I certainly do feel passionately about the children this organization helps. So, I obeyed and did as instructed. I prayerfully stood in front of all those in attendance, shared the needs, and asked them to give.
When reading the Bible, we see countless examples of people who were told to do something out of their comfort zone – something that truly stretched them.
In Exodus, we learn about Miriam who became a big sister one day. Her mom told her that she had to watch her baby brother Moses while his basket floated in the water. His life was in danger and they had to do whatever possible to save him. Miriam obeyed and quietly emerged from the bulrushes to speak to the powerful princess who saw Moses and offered her a nurse for the baby. This act of obedience saved Moses and he became one of the greatest leaders of Israel.
In the gospels, we read about a young woman who had an expensive container of perfume. The value of this perfume was enough to be used for a rainy day or to be put towards retirement. Instead, she broke it and poured all of the perfume on Jesus. This act of obedience was one of the greatest demonstrations of worship.
These examples show us that obeying costs something when stepping out of one’s comfort zone, whether risking one’s life or parting with something of great value. At the same time, “the spirit of obedience is as important as the act of obedience. We serve the Lord in humility, singleness of heart, and love.”
Obedience to God’s commands will make us light in a dark world. “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 AMPC)
Dear Friend, I hope this encourages you today.
Photo Credit: The Stone Creative