After spending my entire life gathered around the Thanksgiving table with family in New York – immediate and extended, it was surreal the first time it was just my family of five in Texas.
Don’t get me wrong. We made it special as we set the table and cooked every side dish imaginable. We began many traditions of our own and it was memorable.
Yet deep down inside, my heart missed all the laughter of my lively large family. However, it wasn’t something I grieved aloud with anyone. After all, we had made the decision to move across the country and I was grateful beyond measure for it.
But God knew those desires of my heart. I trusted that we would never feel lonely because He is always with us. I believed that He would make all things beautiful in His time.
And He did!!!
You see, within the sixteen years of us making the move to Texas, my parents, siblings, uncle, and a few cousins also decided to move from the Big Apple and call the Lone Star state their new home.
This past Thanksgiving was AMAZING. There are no words to describe how full my heart was to be surrounded by the majority of my family. We worshipped, feasted, played games, and cleaned amidst great conversation.
I was reminded yet again that we should always have hope regardless of what we walk through in life. “Biblical hope carries no doubt. Biblical hope is a sure foundation upon which we base our lives, believing that God always keeps His promises.” (www.gotquestions.org)
I can’t help but sing these lyrics from “Hope Was Born This Night” by Sidewalk Prophets:
“Glory to God in the highest
Peace on earth, goodwill to all men
Let all of the world sing the chorus of joy
Because hope was born this night”
Thank the Lord that He sent the Greatest Gift, His one and only Son, to the earth!
Whatever the longing of your heart is dear Friend, my prayer is “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13 ESV)