I became an author in second grade.
In fact, I wrote a series of books… in pencil and bound by staples. The main character was a girl who was bullied, and the series, containing about 5 or 6 books, discussed the various challenges she overcame at school.
I have always loved writing, and for a minute, wanted to be an English major in college.
My poetry skills, however, are not quite polished. “Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you” is probably the furthest I can go.
So the other night, when I couldn’t sleep, I was surprised that a song of praise was being created in my mind as it began to wander. In the silence, I began thanking God for everything. For the air conditioner, the pillow, my kids, their schools…then more real, but abstract, things like love, the sky, the universe.
Without all the noise that enveloped my daytime waking hours, I was taken to a deeper place where I could see and appreciate things more clearly. And it became like a song in my heart.
Then, I had an “aha” moment. That’s why David was so eloquent in his songs.
Other than the sound of sheep quietly bleating in the background and the sound of his sandals against the grass below, he was enveloped in silence. Silence, where he could hear God and he could make melody…poetry.
And as he grew into his role as king, he continued his poetic discourses. David had a way with words.
In one of his songs, he says,