The first time my parents dropped me off at college, it was just the three of us in the van.

As the oldest of 4 children, it was a sweet and rare opportunity to have both parents to myself.

In those final hours before they left me at the dorm, they were handing out last-minute advice.

Practical things: wake up early, study hard, stay away from boys, keep your money safe.  Things a teenager probably needs to be reminded of multiple times.

But, there was one piece of advice that my Dad told me on the way there that has stuck with me all these years:

“It only takes a few minutes to ruin your reputation and years to build it back.”

I knew what he meant: he was trying to protect me as a father should.

One rash decision can cause years of grief and regret.

And as I’ve grown into adulthood, I have been reminded of the power of his words.

Boundaries are placed to protect people.  That’s why we have laws: Stop at a red, turn on your signal when you’re turning.

Why?  Because if you don’t have laws, people get hurt.

If you don’t set boundaries, people suffer consequences.

Paul was an incredible man of faith after his life was transformed by Jesus. From his experience and revelation, he had a wealth of wisdom. Who better to share that with than his “true son in the faith”, Timothy? (1 Timothy 1:2)

We are incredibly blessed to listen in to Paul’s practical advice to this young man!

We need this kind of advice for us TODAY- whether we’re just making it as a college student or looking for a job or have a career.

I’ll just summarize ONE chapter in Timothy but I encourage you to read 1&2 Timothy. You will walk away with tidbits of advice that will impact your walk with Jesus.

You can literally put one-liners from these chapters on a Post-It Note and display them on your walls.

What amazing practical advice for godly living from 1 Timothy 6:

  1. If you are a believer, there is no excuse to be disrespectful.
  2. Don’t argue over “wording” with people- it’s pointless.  Those who disagree with biblical way of living will find a way to argue.
  3. Pursue godliness and gentleness (Being gentle is HUGE for Paul. You see it all through his writings!)
  4. Place your treasure in heaven- be generous with your wealth.

Useful. Honest. Encouraging.

Imagine you are dropping off a loved one at college in just a few days….what would YOU share?

We all have advice we can share with others, but when it’s based on God’s Word, it reaps an incredible harvest.

I later learned how sad the ride home was for my parents.  I think the empty car reminded them that I was on my own.

But I wasn’t alone.

I was equipped with the wisdom my parents had given me for the last few hours and all the prayers they had covered me with.

And in the not- too -distant future, I, too, will make that drive with a child in the back.

May God give me the words to impact her life in the way my father’s did mine.







by betsy
