I talk to my sister at least twice a day (if you ask our husbands, they’d probably say it’s more like 5 times a day)…but I think you get my point.

Our conversations aren’t usually long…but they are frequent.

“Whatcha doin?” “How’s it goin?” “Anything new?” (even if we just talked 3 hours ago)

We stay caught up on work, kids, our parents, new recipes worth trying, old recipes worth reviving.

But our conversations aren’t always just short and sweet. We have longer talks too. We give each other permission to be real, to call out blind spots and give constructive feedback.

And so it is with God.

He and I have lots of short and sweet conversations. When I’m on my way to work, I ask Him for help, for protection, for strength.  All of that is great, but just like with my sister, there’s gotta be more.

Pastor Landon MacDonald says,  “The more you pray, the more you have to pray about.”

Though the frequent constant communication with God is great, in his message “How to Pray for An Hour,” Pastor Landon challenges us to pray for longer periods of time.

Remember when Jesus asked Peter “Can you not pray with me for one hour?” (Matthew 26:40)

I often hear His still small voice asking me the same question.

Perhaps you’re like me. Frequent short prayers are easy, but to sit down and dedicate an hour…now that’s a little more challenging. ⏰ 😳

Here are some tips for us from Pastor Landon.

#1 Find a spot and get rid of your phone.

#2 Prep by writing a list of what you want to pray about.

#3 Start your prayer time with gratitude. Literally go on a gratitude hunt in your mind and just start thanking Him. I usually start from the beginning.

“Thank you for my life. Thank you for the parents who you used to give me my life. Thank you for their love for me. Thank you for allowing my parents to come to this country. You, Oh Lord, made a way. Thank you….and the list goes on (and on)

#4 ASK GOD- Supplication

This is where I get to go through my list.

These days, I’ve been praying over marriages that are falling apart, healing over cancer, I pray for my husband, my children, my single friends who I would love to see get married, for peace in Israel…if it’s on that list or on my mind, I get to pray for it!


Yes, reading the Bible gets to count for prayer time in this challenge!

Reading and praying are actually much more integrated than I ever realized. Keep in mind, you get to read this book with the author sitting right next to you. If you have a question or have a hard time believing what you just read, stop and ask God to help you. He will.

#6 Be with God. MEDITATE.

Now it’s time to be silent. Some Christians have a hard time with the word Meditate because we think of eastern religions in which meditating is emptying your mind…but it’s the opposite here! Here we FILL our minds with His Word.

What does this practically look like?

Let’s read Psalms 118:6.  “The Lord is on my side, I will not fear. What can man do to me.”

Now repeat that verse in your mind. Let it sink in. Ask yourself, what am I fearful of? Now apply this verse to those fears.

We are always thinking, and filling our brains with something. Why not meditate and ruminate on His Word!

Friends, I know not everyone has a go to sister or friend to call for any and every reason (or for no reason at all)…but we all have a Heavenly Father who is so real and longs to spend time with us.

Take the challenge. Sit with Him, talk to Him- spend time with Him. Be real with Him and give Him permission to be real with you.



by binu
