For 5 years, I worked as a nurse in a neonatal intensive care unit. Most of the babies I took care of were born prematurely. When we think of a few months over the course of our lives, it doesn’t seem like much. But to a child in the womb, that time is crucial.
Even when it looks like the baby has fully developed, growth is still happening and the lungs are maturing…all in preparation for what is to come.
To remove them from that environment early puts the baby at risk. They can get back on track but the journey would have been easier if their birth had happened at the right time.
Tomorrow, I celebrate another birthday. At this point of my life, I can think of countless times when things just didn’t happen when I wanted them to. I looked ready. I even thought I was ready.
Marriage, buying a house, promotions…all of these things happened later than I expected.
Life is full of waiting for the next thing. Just a couple of months ago, I broke down when I was talking to my husband about things I still haven’t accomplished. I’m still impatient. I still want things sooner rather than later.
It may not be easy but it is reassuring to know there is purpose in the process. I wait with a better understanding that God sees what I don’t. He knows what needs to happen around me and in me before I get to where I want to be.
Joseph’s road to the palace had a couple of stops along the way, including a pit and prison. There was a time between David’s anointing to his actual appointing as king of Israel. Jesus knew His mission on earth from day one but didn’t start His ministry until He was 30 years old.
In the book, Wait and See, Wendy Pope says, “Waiting on God isn’t wasting time; it’s training time.”
It’s good to know that while it may not seem like things are happening, God is still at work…growing me. All in preparation for what is to come.
James 1:4 NLT So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.