At the start of summer, I faced a trial. My heart was heavy, and I knew, THIS can only be overcome through prayer and fasting- so I did just that. I fasted, I prayed…and I saw a breakthrough! Woohoo!! Praise Jesus!
But while the praise was still on my lips (I was literally mid praise dance), another trial came my way. And like a wave, my heart was heavy…again.
That’s when I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Don’t forget about the loaves.”
It’s what Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 16:9,10.
Jesus and His disciples had just crossed the lake. Jesus began warning His companions against the “yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
They were confused. ‘Is he talking about bread?’ Oh yeah, WE FORGOT TO BRING BREAD!’
{Spoiler alert: Jesus wasn’t even talking about bread}
Aware of their thoughts Jesus asked, “You of little faith…Do you still not understand? Don’t you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered? Or the 7 loaves for the four thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered?”
In other words, Jesus is saying ‘Really disciples. Don’t you realize by now that bread is a non issue for me.’
I often wonder, how in the world, could the disciples have ever doubted God’s provision? After all, they witnessed AMAZING miracles first hand.
But so have I.
God has done some pretty GINORMOUS miracles in my own life- and I bet if you think about it- He’s done some GINORMOUS miracles for you too!
I want to encourage us today. Don’t ever forget about the loaves. Don’t ever fail to recount what God has ALREADY done in our lives, and how He has taken us from strength to strength (with valleys in between).
My message is a simple one.
Don’t forget about the loaves.