We were celebrating my husband’s parents 50th wedding anniversary, when my oldest son asked the million dollar question. “So, over the past 50 years, what has been your favorite season of life?”
Without hesitation, mom answered, “Right now!”
Really? I was expecting to hear, “When the kids were small” or “When those adorable little grandkids came around.”
But no…It was “Right Now!”
Hearing mom say those words filled my heart with so much joy…and so much hope.
In just a couple of days, we would be celebrating my youngest son’s high school graduation. This meant college was just around the corner and my husband and I would be ‘empty nesters.’
A cringy term I refused to embrace- until then.
You mean it’s not all downhill from here? I guess not. According to mom, my best days are ahead!
You’re probably familiar with the story of Esther. An orphan girl turned queen, who God used to save her people.
Her finest moment was at the most unexpected time- Her people were facing annihilation. It was in this difficult season, Esther’s uncle/cousin, Mordecai, called out her “RIGHT NOW” moment.
“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for SUCH A TIME AS THIS?” (Esther 4:14 ESV)
You might have seen that phrase on a coffee mug or wall plaque- but allow me to make it applicable to you TODAY.
We live in such a P.C (politically correct) world. “You be you,” we’re told. No one wants to strongly encourage anyone to do anything. Even if it’s the right thing. Uncle Mordecai didn’t care, and he didn’t mince words. Because he was bold enough to speak out and into the life of his niece, countless lives were saved.
Now here’s a little back story I’ll throw in for free…
Six years ago TODAY, my husband’s parents were involved in a serious car accident which left both of them in the critical care unit and on life support. After sixty eight days in the hospital- mom and dad were finally home. Praise Jesus!
Has life been trouble free since then?
Not. At. All.
But they have breath in their lungs and purpose in their hearts…and you know what? According to mom, they are living their best life…and inspiring me to do the same!!
What season of life are you in RIGHT NOW? Like Mordecai called it out of Esther, like mom (unknowingly) called it out of me- I pray I can call it out of YOU!
Let’s live like THIS is the season we were created for! RIGHT NOW is our time!