The last few Saturdays, I have been getting up and going for a run. This is a huge accomplishment for me. We were finally in a season where we have no commitments on Saturday mornings, and the weather has finally cooled down. I have been able to get up, get the kids settled and just go.
Let me set the scene for you. I usually roll out of bed, put my hair in a ponytail, throw my ratty Old Navy hat on top of said ponytail, put on my short shorts and take off. In my adult life, running has always been my exercise of choice. There is something so freeing about walking out of my front door and literally running away from home. Fat jiggling in the wind, snot dripping down my nose, and did I mention the glasses? I am a sight to behold.
For me, it’s as though it resets my brain. I live my week so bound to a schedule- at work and at home. Always planning. Always anticipating the next thing coming. Bound to a clock. My running course goes through my neighborhood and it’s about 3.2 miles out and back. When I run, the brim of my hat limits my vision to only the next 50 feet in front of me. I just have to work out that 50 feet of cement that lies right there, not the entire path. My breathing resonates in my ear buds so loudly that I usually have to tell myself to slow it down. Take deeper breaths. I often do intervals and encourage myself that there’s only 45 seconds left of this and I can change my pace. Part of my path consists of a slow, steep hill. On the way out, it’s fine- I’m running downhill. It usually gives me a little acceleration. On the way back, this same hill is torturous. No matter where I am in my intervals, I always run up this hill. I want to own it. I am usually gasping for air by the time I am done with it, but after beating it, the rest of my run seems like a peace of cake. I can handle anything once I’ve made it up that hill.
I don’t know what hill you are facing in your life. Stay strong- You will own it. Once you reach the top, the rest of the path ahead of you will seem lighter. Slow down- give yourself time to breath. Take your vision and break it down into 50 feet of concrete that you can handle. Don’t give up. His strength is made perfect in your weakness. ~Shiney