What is my life’s purpose? Why was I put on this earth to accomplish?
This is likely the most asked question by every human being on the planet at some point in their life.
But what if the answer to that big question isn’t one big purpose?
In the book of Zechariah, we see how something seemingly small, was a part of something great.
Towards the end of the Babylonian exile, some of the Israelites were allowed to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. The project was a huge undertaking and they were met with naysayers who tried to discourage them.
And to top it off, the temple they were building was going to be much smaller than that of Solomon’s temple. It would have been easy for them to just give up.
But the word of the Lord came to Zerubbabel telling him not to “despise small beginnings”.
He was being encouraged to keep doing what he was doing, even though it looked small in comparison to the former temple.
What Zerubbabel might not have known is that the rebuilding of the temple was a big part in the nation of Israel coming back from exile and being re-established in their home country.
Are you tempted to stop what we are doing because it seems insignificant in comparison to what others have done?
It’s easy to look at the accomplishments of those around us and think that what we are doing does not matter.
But it does.
Our task might seem small, but it is part of the bigger tapestry that God is creating.
Do not be discouraged by the how small your part in the story seems. It is being carefully weaved by God to bring about a beautiful masterpiece for His glory.
~ Vijoy
Photo by Evan Kirby on Unsplash