My husband and I always enjoy hanging out with our nephews. When we have the opportunity to take them out, they are always very grateful. When they were younger especially, the thank you was a bit more drawn out. They would proceed to list everything from our visit that they were thankful for.
“Thanks for picking us up!”
“Thanks for lunch.”
“Thanks for taking us bowling/go-karts/whatever we did.”
“Thanks for letting us eat more junk food today than we usually do .”
(Oops, maybe I should have kept that last one to myself.)
But you get the point. It turned what we thought was just a simple afternoon into a seemingly full-blown extravaganza.
Having a thankful heart can do that.
I’ll be honest – I haven’t had the best start to this holiday season. I’ll spare you the details but let’s just say I ended up with a trip to the doctor for an eye emergency. Thankfully, all is well but any plans I had for the past weekend were gone…and I’m still recovering.
In spite of it all, I realized I had my own list…
A husband who took care of me (and pushed me to get medical attention). Friends and family who lovingly offered support. And an eye that is on it’s way to complete healing
My list didn’t take away my physical pain but it helped me see a lot more clearly…I had a lot to be thankful for.
Psalm 126:3 Yes, the LORD has done amazing things for us! What joy!
My cousin (and fellow Whispers & Fringes leader) Shiney sang this song at my wedding and I couldn’t help but listen to it again today.”Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more?”
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash