So, you say you can’t dance? Me neither. And trust me, I’ve tried.
As a kid, I attended a small Indian church. Once a month, our church hosted a “youth meeting.” A Saturday night service in which our talents (or lack of) were on display. There wasn’t a lot of dancing going on back then…but there was plenty of singing, playing instruments and preaching on display. All good stuff…if you’re gifted in those areas.
Like a child needing something to show off at ‘show and tell,’ I spent much of my childhood searching for a talent to display.
It took years (actually decades) for me to understand what Paul so desperately wanted the church in Rome to understand.
God has gifted each of us…but it might not involve a stage.
In Romans 12:7-9, Paul writes, “If your gift is serving others, SERVE them well. If you are a teacher, TEACH well. If your gift is to ENCOURAGE others, be encouraging. If it is giving, GIVE generously. If God has given you LEADERSHIP ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing KINDNESS to others, do it gladly. Don’t just pretend to love others. Really LOVE them…”
A few chapters later, Paul puts a name & a face to a few of these gifts. Sister Phoebe, a deacon, has been helpful to many. Priscilla and Aquila open up their home and host a church. Mary works so hard for the church’s benefit. Rufus’ mother, has been a mother to me. And without Tertius, my scribe …you wouldn’t be reading this letter.
The Apostle Paul wanted the church to know, we all have a SWEET SPOT…that place where our personality, natural talents and spiritual strengths come together so beautifully. It’s what makes the church, the church.
Paul could do what he did best only because each of his friends did what they did best.
So, you say you can’t dance? Unfortunately, I can’t either…and that’s okay.
Like Sister Phoebe, Rufus’ mother, Tertius and the Apostle Paul… I still have a sweet spot…and you do too.
May we embrace it, run with it and use it to glorify our God.