At the beginning of the year I started exercising again and using the elliptical machine as part of my New Year’s resolution. One of my other resolutions was to be more consistent with my quiet time.
As I was using the machine the Lord pointed out 3 measurements on it:
- Time
- Distance
- Calories burned
He clearly spoke that just like using an exercise machine, our quiet time is meant to accomplish things in our life, if we let it.
Time: Will we spend time before Him and let Him teach us? He wants His word to empower us and train us for battle. Psalms 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go…”
Distance: Will we listen to His voice and obey where He tells us to go? Will we step out of our comfort zone and go the extra mile to help those He puts in our path? We have to spend time with Him in order for Him to direct and lead us and to recognize His voice when He speaks. Psalms 119:133 “Direct my steps by Your word…”
Calories Burned: Will we sit before Him and let Him purify us? Will we let Him burn away the dross and unnecessary things in our lives so that we can be refined? There may be things in our lives we need to lay before Him (jealousy, lying, hate, worry, etc.) and let Him “burn off”. Psalms 66:10 “For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined.”
When we exercise, sometimes a particular goal is important that day. We may want to exercise for 30 minutes, reach 3 miles, or burn 300 calories. The Lord may want to direct our quiet time as well. We may need to focus on a particular area on different days. He may need to teach us, direct us, or purify us today. Don’t let your quiet time be a check list item, let it become an experience!
~ Renee – guest author