Over the past decade, we’ve had a similar set of circumstances. When either my son or younger daughter can’t keep down food because of a cold or stomach bug, we rush them to the emergency room. There, they start receiving fluids with the goal of rehydrating them immediately. When that is done and they are finally
“I wasn’t allowed to do that as a kid, so I’m not going to let my child do it either.” Does that thought ever cross your mind? Growing up, it was a rare occasion for me to be away from home .. for sleepovers, school trips, or college. It didn’t matter if everyone else was doing it. I
Have you watched the movie Ratatouille? The most memorable scene for me showed the food critic taking a bite of that dish which caused a flashback to his childhood when he enjoyed such a lovely meal. Recently during my devotion time, the worship music has included songs I first heard twenty years ago. A flood of memories began
Recently, I came home after an extremely busy day at work. I was hungry and exhausted and admittedly, could have displayed a more pleasant attitude. I blamed the sour mood on my day. The next day, my poor attitude still weighed heavy on me, and I developed a headache that lingered for some time. I
Walls are good. Just ask Trump. (Actually, I’m not talking about that kind of wall.) We all want a house with walls. Walls create distinct boundaries and separate spaces. In ancient times, walls were built around cities to help protect them from attack. (Cue Trump again). But sometimes, walls exist that we can’t actually see
Do you ever get overwhelmed with worry and anxiety? I know I do. It can be related to something really big, or maybe something small that seems really big at the time. This has been one of those weeks for me. I looked at what needs to get done and the number of hours in
I was recently given a beautiful necklace with an anchor on it. Wearing it has made me reflect on the One Who has held me firmly in my place, providing me with stability and confidence in uncertain situations. In fact, I recalled a childhood memory which was one of the most frightening moments of my
“But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and
A hope and a future
As a child, I didn't understand why I had to follow so many rules. As a parent now, I get it. Keeping my room clean, picking up after myself after eating a meal, and being