My life hasn’t turned out exactly like I imagined. I didn’t go to my dream college. I scored lower on standardized tests than I would’ve liked. I tried to get into a graduate program twice before I was accepted into one. I wasn’t accepted into my first choice of post-graduate training. I didn’t get married
As my oldest daughter is approaching the end of her high school career, the reality has been setting in that she will not be home much longer. Before I know it, graduation will be here and she will go away to college. Don’t get me wrong. I am incredibly excited for her future. But where
I was looking down at my cell phone as my daughter was trying to get my attention. “Mommy! Look at what I made!” She was trying to get my approval on her drawing. I didn’t look up and murmured, “Hmm..that’s nice.” “No, Mommy, look!” She insisted. I had no choice but to draw my eyes
I love Indian food. That probably doesn’t surprise you because, after all, I am Indian. Maybe this will surprise you: my ability to cook Indian food is…let’s say…limited. I can make one thing that is truly the food of my people – chicken curry – and the only reason I can do that is because
Yesterday I was blessed to receive bright pink roses. They were beautiful and breathtaking. However, I had not gone home immediately after receiving them. In fact, the flowers had to sit in my warm car for a few hours until the celebrations of the day finally drew to a close. By the time we arrived
There has been one time in history when being late was super cool…and it involved Jesus and a guy named Lazarus. You can read the story for yourself in John 11. (I guess, technically, Jesus wasn’t really late because it was all part of the plan anyway…but you get my point.) Other than that –
As we get older, we get wiser. For example, I’ve learned that I need a day off after the spring time change. Can I get a witness? Every year, it’s the same thing: spring forward an hour, be cranky the rest of the week. Apparently, it was started to help the farmers out. All I know is
I love the hope of a new year. I love the thought that this year is going to be different. I don’t know about you but I think I say that every year…but I really am hoping 2017 is different from 2016. To be honest, 2016 was not an easy year. There were transitions…there were
Carriers of His Presence
Now that the wrapping paper has been picked up and the dishes have all been washed, I have had a moment to pause and reflect on the memories created this Christmas season. Our families are