• What a year! Am I right? It’s been particularly challenging for relationships of all kinds, especially in the body of Christ. Areas in which we were able to be on the surface over the years were forced to be dealt with in 2020 thanks to the close quarters of home or the constant access to

  • As I was munching on pretzels yesterday, I began reminiscing about sitting in my neighbors’ home. They were an elderly couple who lived across the street from my family when I was a little girl. While my brother and I would play outdoors, they would invite us to their home and my parents encouraged us

  • Yesterday we were invited to the celebration of new love at a sweet engagement party.  Then, we had the honor of celebrating seasoned love at a beautiful 50th anniversary party. These events helped my husband and I recall our own early days with fondness and we were inspired to look at the years ahead with

  • What an exciting Monday it has been for our family! Freshly sharpened pencils and crisp new notebooks were all laid out for our first day of school. No sooner did the books crack open and the assignments begin for Math and Latin, when we joined our friends at the park to watch the solar eclipse.

  • “I understand.” In certain situations, those might be the 2 greatest words paired together in the English language. Knowing that you have been understood doesn’t mean you’ve been fixed.  It means that you’ve been figured out…the person gets you. Did you know that God’s desire for us as wives is to be understanding? Fathers can

  • 9/11 was a scary time for the United States as a nation. My husband & I happened to be in New York that week and were in complete shock of what was happening right around us. The following weekend, I recall watching the news and hearing about an “Arab-looking” gas station attendant being attacked, in