We were sitting in the back row of the church, deep in conversation. Since service had ended about an hour prior, the pews had emptied out and it was just the two of us. I was in my early 20’s and she was in her early 80’s. A sweet, beautiful woman with gray and black
As I was munching on pretzels yesterday, I began reminiscing about sitting in my neighbors’ home. They were an elderly couple who lived across the street from my family when I was a little girl. While my brother and I would play outdoors, they would invite us to their home and my parents encouraged us
As my oldest daughter is approaching the end of her high school career, the reality has been setting in that she will not be home much longer. Before I know it, graduation will be here and she will go away to college. Don’t get me wrong. I am incredibly excited for her future. But where
The test scores were in. I breathed a sigh of relief, told my son I was proud of him and went to bed. The next day, I couldn’t resist. I told my boys, “Don’t ever let a test dictate what you can or can not accomplish.” I was thankful my son did well, but what
What an exciting Monday it has been for our family! Freshly sharpened pencils and crisp new notebooks were all laid out for our first day of school. No sooner did the books crack open and the assignments begin for Math and Latin, when we joined our friends at the park to watch the solar eclipse.
How do you feel when someone corrects you? Really, how do you feel? I’d like to think I’m one of those people that can just take it like a (wo)man and roll with it. But the fact that I feel myself getting hot and my heart rate climbing, ever so slightly, indicates that is probably
I may have made a fashion faux pas today. I went the entire day feeling pretty good about my choice of ankle length pants and heels until I came home. My five-year-old daughter eyed me as I walked into the garage and said, “Mommy, heels with pants and a shirt…it doesn’t look good.” When did
I am not a parent but I am pretty sure I wouldn’t be a very good one. And that has nothing to do with the fact that I gave my nephews extra dessert or that they stayed up until 2 a.m. when they were at my house. (At this point, you are probably agreeing with
Carriers of His Presence
Now that the wrapping paper has been picked up and the dishes have all been washed, I have had a moment to pause and reflect on the memories created this Christmas season. Our families are