A witness doesn’t just talk about the evidence. A witness is the evidence. What does it mean to be a witness for Christ? Teacher: Anitha (Anu) Abraham Presented at IPC Hebron (Dallas) on 4.15.23.
Recently, a Christian musician has gained mainstream notoriety. She has even been featured on a couple of popular talk-shows where she also had the opportunity to sing. The songs she chose were from her most recent album and were encouraging and uplifting. She sang about the Savior. And people criticized her. Christian people. Why did […]
Evangelism is a big word. If you’re around my age, this is probably what you think of: Or maybe this: Churches have gotten pretty creative in how they spread the “good news”… Some get straight to the point: I also think of my friends, David & Liney Chacko with Global Renewal Ministries* who are changing […]
Make Him Known
It was the first day of his sophomore year of college. My son was enrolled in BIOL1322. It was a small class, so the professor asked everyone to go around and give a quick introduction