When I reflect on my early days of parenting, what comes to mind are the times my children were dependent on me for EVERYTHING. Each child has had their own challenges and adversities to work through and overcome. I knew it was my job during that season to help them and I embraced it. It […]
Recently, I found myself in unchartered territory. While with a group of friends who were choosing between swimming in the pool or laying out on the beach, I ventured off to sit in the ocean … by myself. And I was perfectly content. Maybe you’re thinking, “What’s the big deal??” You see, I typically find […]
Yesterday, I was talking to someone about some things they were worried about. Today, I had to follow my own advice. We all worry about different things…it depends on the season of life we are in or even the time of day. Worry can hit us at any time. The question is what do we […]
My junior year of high school was focused on just one thing: the SATs. I prepared. I practiced. I prayed. But none of that seemed to matter. My stomach felt as if it was in a perpetual state of being in knots. Worry filled my mind constantly. I worried that my score wouldn’t be high […]
Over the past decade, we’ve had a similar set of circumstances. When either my son or younger daughter can’t keep down food because of a cold or stomach bug, we rush them to the emergency room. There, they start receiving fluids with the goal of rehydrating them immediately. When that is done and they are finally […]
“I wasn’t allowed to do that as a kid, so I’m not going to let my child do it either.” Does that thought ever cross your mind? Growing up, it was a rare occasion for me to be away from home .. for sleepovers, school trips, or college. It didn’t matter if everyone else was doing it. I […]
Have you watched the movie Ratatouille? The most memorable scene for me showed the food critic taking a bite of that dish which caused a flashback to his childhood when he enjoyed such a lovely meal. Recently during my devotion time, the worship music has included songs I first heard twenty years ago. A flood of memories began […]
Make Him Known
It was the first day of his sophomore year of college. My son was enrolled in BIOL1322. It was a small class, so the professor asked everyone to go around and give a quick introduction