Oddly, I found myself doing something completely out of the norm today. I spent some time purchasing a few items I have wanted for myself. That is a BIG deal for those who know me. The truth is that I just prefer to buy things for everyone around me. But let me explain why I made this decision today … besides my husband nudging me to do so ;)
If there’s one thing I have learned over the years it’s the importance of taking care of oneself. When we care for ourselves, we are in a better place physically, emotionally, and spiritually and then, we are in a better place to care for those around us.
The fact is that there’s no better time in history to grasp this lesson as we are in the midst of the pandemic. Many are struggling with stress, feeling overwhelmed, and even, dealing with thoughts of depression and divorce.
Taking care of oneself may seem to fall to the bottom of our priorities, but “You realize, don’t you, that you are the temple of God, and God Himself is present in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16 MSG)
As the temple of God, we have to take care of ourselves: mind, body, and soul. This can and must be done even in 2020. Following are some items that have helped keep me afloat in these trying times:
Carve out time to sit by yourself to pray and read the Bible. There’s nothing like time spent with our Father to remove the anxiety and fear coursing through our veins.
Read a book you’ve been meaning to get around to and let it feed your mind.
Play music to soothe your nerves.
Burn off some energy by going out and taking a walk.
Take a nap to feel rejuvenated.
Schedule a video call with your friend to catch up but also, to talk about your feelings.
Treat yourself to a lil’ something that will help you feel better. A cozy blanket for the movie you’re going to watch or a new fragrance of lotion are simple purchases to lift one’s spirit.
You mean so much to the Lord that He took time to knit you together in your mother’s womb. He cares for you and I pray that you will also be intentional to take care of yourself.
“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” (3 John 2 NLT)
Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash