I had an acquaintance in college that I would converse with in the campus dining room. Our schedules happened to converge during mealtimes, and we would talk when we met with each other. He was an intelligent student, and we had stimulating conversations during our time there.
During one particular lunch, I remember sitting down with another friend along with this student and having a passionate discussion about religion. He didn’t believe that Jesus was the Savior like I did, but he gave compelling evidence for why he believed what he did.
I stood my ground because I knew what I believed, and while he had a great argument, it wasn’t convincing. At one point, I disagreed with him, and then he made the following statement, “I really feel sorry for you because you don’t know or accept the truth.” Deep down inside, I felt the same for him. Sorrow, really, because he REALLY didn’t know THE TRUTH.
It was interesting to witness how firmly he believed what he did and how deep his faith was…in a false religion. After some time, I didn’t converse with him as much regarding religion. I could see that he was steadfast in what he believed and honestly, I had run out of fuel.
The apostle Philip was in a similar situation. After the devout believer, Stephen, was stoned for his faith, a persecution broke out in the church, and many were scattered to different cities. Philip was one of those believers who ended up moving. But the Bible says he proclaimed the good news there! The persecution of the church didn’t stop him. He didn’t go into hiding or avoid non-believers. He was bold and continued to spread the news of salvation wherever he went.
That is a lesson in courage! The persecution that the early church endured included being dragged in the streets, being stoned, and being yelled at. Nothing like what I had to go through in my lunchroom. We were having a civil conversation! Why did I shy away? Because I didn’t like confrontation. Was it the right solution? No.
It is when we are obedient and courageous, we experience joy as there was when Philip persisted in sharing in Macedonia. May the Holy Spirit give us wisdom and open doors so that we are courageous to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
*photo from unsplash.com